360intentionality – Coaching for pastors and consulting for churches2019-01-24T18:49:53+00:00

360intentionality is committed to serving those who serve

Offering practical coaching and strategic consulting to help your leadership and your church grow to their full potential

Four Benefits of Coaching

Clear Goals

Bringing clarity and focus to the vision

Clarity on goals–not just what they are, but why they are important–inspires people.

Actionable Strategies

Moving from ideas to action plans

Developing step-by-step action plans to help reach your goals.

Positive Accountability

Following through on what matters most

In ministry it is easy to fall prey to the tyranny of the urgent. Coaching brings the focus needed to accomplish your goals.

Transformational Outcomes

Seeing vision become reality

Intentional focus leads to transformational outcomes.

Schedule a free, no-obligation coaching call